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Auckland's Leading Residential Digital Display Network

What We Do

Smart Displays are digital Out-of-Home specialists operating and broadcasting Auckland’s primary residential digital display network. Next generation technology is designed to enhance the living environment, providing our clients with effective digital solutions that engage in densely populated, high traffic areas.

A Smart Display provides residents and visitors with national and localised news and specialised community and creative content. The bottom section of the screen format is designated to building information, whereby Smart Displays work with building management teams across Auckland to display key notices to their residents and guests; including health and safety, building maintenance, lost and found, key contacts, etc. replacing the need for an old fashioned notice board.


Critically Smart Displays also offer a same day rapid response service that displays high priority building and emergency alerts and information, e.g. evacuation, COVID-19 and extreme weather warnings.

Smart Displays


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Smart Displays

Questions Answered

What is a Smart Display?

The Smart Displays screen layout is configured to replicate the now familar format of a smart phone

The top bars feature dynamic Time, Date, Weather plus News & Sports updates for maximum engagement


25% of the screen is dedicated to essential internal Building Management notices


75% is the main feature space - for city events, community messages and consumer creative



Community Broadcasts

Auckland has a large spread of communities, each with a voice that deserves to be heard. Smart Displays help spread awareness by notifying the Auckland public of upcoming community and charity events and projects in the city center and surrounding suburbs.


In such unparalleled times Smart Displays are also proud to deliver Rapid Response digital notices across the Auckland network, reaching residents and visitors instantly with warnings and updates regarding high alert scenarios.

Smart Displays work alongside governing bodies and building management teams to provide up-to-the-minute Covid-19 reports and response messages; from changes within the 4 Alert Levels to the health and safety guidelines and reminders.

What: About Us
What: About Us

Building Management Notices

Smart Displays are installed in lobby, lift, garage or common areas, replacing old style messy and often cluttered notice boards with digital on-screen technology. Smart Displays work with Building Management to ensure the 43” HD screens are well appointed for residents and visitors alike.


Up to 15 notices scroll across the allocated building management screen area every 8 to 16 seconds.


Every building is unique, with many different reasons for notices to be displayed. Notices can be picked from our library of templates HERE, where you will be able to generate your own, or have our creative team personalise them for you.


Smart Displays

Building Management Notices & Overview

Who's Smart Connecting?

While Auckland Works, Sleeps & Plays

With Smart Displays our clients are always in control, as the platform is tailor-made to suit changeable brand and marketing strategies throughout the year - however big or small. Below is a list of some of our current partners and sponsors.


Contact us today for our competitive rates card, or to discuss broadcasting opportunities to suit your business requirements.

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